Love Does Not Envy | Truth & Knowledge | Trey Knowles

2024-04-12 0

Envy leads to hatred and all kinds of wickedness. So there is no love in envy.

What is envy? A person feeling resentful. The word resentful means anger or displeasure.

While they desire to have a quality, possession, or other desirable attribute belonging to (someone else). Which is called coveting.

Some would say, I can’t desire to have what someone else has, what is wrong with that?

The problem with coveting its leads to wickedness and the feeling of resentfulness is not love and takes you out of the spirit of God, and God is love.

The Hebrew word for "covet" can also be translated as "lust",

What happens when a person lusts after something with a strong desire to have it? The Negative consequences of this lead to wickedness and disobedience. It does not matter who you have hurt as long as you have your desire. It goes right back to Adam and Eve in the Garden. Eve desires something she was not supposed to have and what happen? So now mankind lives in those consequences, Adam and Eve.

Love does not envy. Learn more in this episode of Truth & Knowledge.

Love Does Not Envy
by Trey Knowles
Truth & Knowledge Episode 57